Island & cities you need to know
PUBG PLACES AND ISLANDS It provides you 2 islands : 1. ERANGEL: Sosnovka Island is a vital signal in the Erangel map in BATTLEGROUNDS.It is an 8x8 km island. In Erangle there is large no. of buildings and warehouses within in a short distance between them,where you can find all weapons, medikits(to recharge you) and energy drinks(to boost your power) you need.It provide you cars, motorbikes and jeeps to travel with your gang. There boats are also available to cross th rivers.As the game continues, the map area will be restricted to a smaller and smaller play area Major cities: Georgopol Novorepnoye Pochinki Yasnaya Polyana Minor cities: Gatka Kameshki Lipovka Mylta Primorsk Rozhok Severny Stalber Zharki 2. MIRAMAR Miramar is a neighborhood in the northern part of the city of San Diego, California, USA. It includes residential areas. In a playern UNKNOWN BATT...